Values and Principles of the European Union

Since its inception, the European Union has been aiming at defending humanitarian and progressive values. Similarly to values ​​of a society, a state, the European Union which is based on Article 2, is relied upon on the values ​​of respect for human dignity, democracy, social inclusion, ruling state of law and respect for human rights. Values ​​are characterized by pluralism, tolerance, elimination of discrimination, freedom, brotherhood and equality. Based on Article 6, the Union recognizes the rights, freedoms and principles contained in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union of 7 December 2000. Values ​​and principles are common to all the Member States of the Union.

The principles of the Union include the principle of loyal cooperation, in which the Member States must, with mutual respect and cooperation, carry out their duties under its Treaties. It also incorporates the principles of the Union’s operation, namely the Responsibility Authority, the Subsidiarity Authority and the Proportionality Authority, are in place.